Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summer Summer 2010

What a summer I am having! It's crazy to think I've been here for almost 4 months. I am 1/3 of the way through and it doesn't seem like it's enough time! I knew that coming here would be a life changing experience for me, but I never imagined how exactly God would change my heart. The beginning months were filled with a little anxiety about not knowing the language well enough to make a difference here. I've since been learning a lot more, and also God has been settling my heart in knowing that it's not going to be ME making the difference. I was talking to one of the Romanian staff last night at a BBQ at our house. She had also been a missionary to Afghanistan so she knew what it was like to have these overwhelming feelings. She told me that God spoke to her and told her that He didn't need her. He could make angels out of fire, he could make the world out of nothing, He could save the world without the help of one missionary. Instead He does chose to call us, to use us, despite our imperfections, despite our lack of experience and preparedness. Although God had already been working on my heart to give me contentment with my work, this conversation gave me even more peace. I'm just here to serve Him, and for Him the people of Romania.


Some of our mom's had the opportunity to go away to camps this week. Please pray that they come back refreshed and renewed and that the Holy Spirit would use the seeds planted in their lives. I had a wonderful time with the mom's that stayed back at the house. It was amazing getting to spend time with just them and their babies during the night shifts here. :)

Fall is quickly approaching! September will also be a busy month! We have a team coming at the end of the month and straight after my Touched Romania team and I will be attending a compassion conference on human trafficking in Moldova. I will be in Moldova on my 23rd birthday! Pray that we have safe travels, and that this conference will open doors to a new aspect of ministry for us. Human trafficking is a huge problem here, and a huge temptation for the moms who have finished our program. We would like to find a way to help in the prevention of this sometime in the future.

Thanks for reading and God bless always :)

Gabrielle Rizzuto
Missionary Associate, Touched Romania