Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summer Summer 2010

What a summer I am having! It's crazy to think I've been here for almost 4 months. I am 1/3 of the way through and it doesn't seem like it's enough time! I knew that coming here would be a life changing experience for me, but I never imagined how exactly God would change my heart. The beginning months were filled with a little anxiety about not knowing the language well enough to make a difference here. I've since been learning a lot more, and also God has been settling my heart in knowing that it's not going to be ME making the difference. I was talking to one of the Romanian staff last night at a BBQ at our house. She had also been a missionary to Afghanistan so she knew what it was like to have these overwhelming feelings. She told me that God spoke to her and told her that He didn't need her. He could make angels out of fire, he could make the world out of nothing, He could save the world without the help of one missionary. Instead He does chose to call us, to use us, despite our imperfections, despite our lack of experience and preparedness. Although God had already been working on my heart to give me contentment with my work, this conversation gave me even more peace. I'm just here to serve Him, and for Him the people of Romania.


Some of our mom's had the opportunity to go away to camps this week. Please pray that they come back refreshed and renewed and that the Holy Spirit would use the seeds planted in their lives. I had a wonderful time with the mom's that stayed back at the house. It was amazing getting to spend time with just them and their babies during the night shifts here. :)

Fall is quickly approaching! September will also be a busy month! We have a team coming at the end of the month and straight after my Touched Romania team and I will be attending a compassion conference on human trafficking in Moldova. I will be in Moldova on my 23rd birthday! Pray that we have safe travels, and that this conference will open doors to a new aspect of ministry for us. Human trafficking is a huge problem here, and a huge temptation for the moms who have finished our program. We would like to find a way to help in the prevention of this sometime in the future.

Thanks for reading and God bless always :)

Gabrielle Rizzuto
Missionary Associate, Touched Romania

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 2010

Its hard living here and not wanting to do anything and everything you can for the children and mom's that you're working with. That has truly been the biggest challenge for me since arriving almost two months ago. The other day Raegan said to me - do you see why I don't like for missionaries to come less than a year? My response was - I can't imagine only staying here a year and accomplishing anything at all, let alone three months!

Since returning from Spain I really hit the ground running. . The first couple of weeks was just struggling through the language barrier, and finding my place within the ministry of Touched Romania. I'm amazed at all God has brought me through since then. Language lessons started, and so did learning how to do night shifts at Casa Agar. I still can't speak Romanian very well, but I'm learning, and the Romanians are very encouraging! I am also teaching the Romanians how to speak English. This I'm really excited and nervous for! I'm excited because so many people have told me what a blessing it would be to learn to speak English better. People who speak English here have more opportunities. Also, working at Casa Agar, the administrative end really needs to know how to speak to communicate with their international partners. I'm nervous because I have never taught English before! I really want to do as much as I can to help in this area because learning English is something I can offer Romanians that they can have way past my stay here. All I really want to do is have God use me in ways that will last!

Since starting here, Casa Agar has changed a lot. One mom and her 5 year old boy left and moved into our transition apartment. This aspect of the ministry is fairly new, but is really a welcome addition. Instead of mom's leaving the house and going straight out into the world they are given a chance to have more independence and still maintain the ministry's support. After about 6 months they are ready to leave and venture out on their own. Of course, Touched Romania is still involved in their lives as much as possible. They always know they have people who care about them and are always willing to help if possible.

So, since one mom moved out, 2 new ones have arrived! They both have two little girls under 2 years old, and one of them was pregnant but gave birth just yesterday morning. We haven't met the new baby yet! We now have 8 children and 5 moms living in the house. It can get totally crazy here sometimes, but all of them are so incredibly sweet and affectionate. I've really grown attached to all of the kids. It amazes me to think - if they weren't here with us, they would be in some desperate situation somewhere. It's really hard to be a single mom here. Nursery schools and daycares are not easy to come by. They are either full or too expensive. (I really want Touched Romania to open a daycare, that's what I see coming next, but that's just me!) Romania has improved drastically over the mess it was after the revolution more than 20 years ago. Hopefully things will continue to improve and this situation becomes less and less of an issue.

Things to pray for

-That the new families in the house will acclimate and build good relationships with the staff and also their fellow moms.

-That God works out circumstances for one mom who really wants to stay in Bucharest when she moves out. It's not going to be easy for her because she has 3 children, but she wants to stay so they can have a good education and more opportunities. Right now her best chance is to go back to her village with her family, but we're praying she can stay here.

-That God gives me wisdom, strength, and discernment. It's hard being an adult all of a sudden. I feel like even though I didn't have the life of a child back in New York, I was still really sheltered and not as responsible for myself, and definitely not responsible for others. This new responsibility is scary! But I know that God is with me.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope to hear from some of you, it would be great encouragement! :)


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bucharest Romania - First week!

I finally arrived in Bucharest, Romania on April 30! Raegan greeted me at the airport and took me back to the Touched Romania Ministry House where I will be living with her and her roommate Ellena for the next year. Ellena is back in the States but will be joining us in a few weeks hopefully!

Thank you to all of you who have been so incredibly supportive and have been praying for me. In the weeks before I arrived I was feeling nervous for the plane ride. I am a very nervous flier, but thankfully God just gave me an overwhelming peace and I was able to sleep for most of the trip. It literally flew!

The weekend was spent settling in, shopping, and getting my room arranged. Its so strange to think I will be in this house for a year. It still doesn't seem real. My first night I was praying and I said, "Ok God, now that you have me here, what are you going to do with me?" I know beyond a shadow of a doubt it will be more than I anticipated before actually getting here. I already
know there will be challenges along the way, but that's because God really took me seriously when I asked him to loosen the grip I had on my life. He's going to break me in such a way that I am completely and totally dependent on him, while molding me into the servant he wants me to be.

Wednesday was my first day at Casa Agar, the maternal center that houses women who may have been at risk to abandon their babies. Casa Agar is not only housing young mother's with new borns now, but also mother's and their children who have fallen victim to domestic abuse. Currently the center houses 4 moms. 2 of which have small babies, and the other 2 have children between the ages of 2-6. It was such an experience beginning to work with and spend time with these moms and their children. They are a handful, but so incredibly sweet! One of the mom's has twin girls that are 2 ye
ars old.

Emilia and her twin sister are two of the children staying at Casa Agar. She started warming up to me once I let her steal my sunglasses :) Her sister's name is Danica and they have an older brother Collin who is in school most of the day.

I fell absolutely in love with baby Eliza! She is the sweetest
baby, and I was watching her most of my time at Casa Agar. The workers there are great women who really love Jesus.

I got to see this first hand on Tuesday before I even started working on Wednesday. Reagan hosted a staff prayer meeting where I met most of the women I will be working with. Thankfully some of them speak English and all of them received me with open arms.

If you could remember to pray for me this week, here a list of things to pray for-

- That I would quickly learn t
he language. It has truly been the most frustrating thing not being able to communicate with the adults and children that I'm working with. I should be starting lessons in a week or so!

-Safe travels to a missionary ret
reat for all European A/G missionaries in Spain! At the moment the volcano that has been erupting in Iceland is once again disrupting travel. Pray that we would all be able to get there safely and on time.

- Pray that my time here in Romania would be spent being able to bless Romanians, and that God would keep me effective, no matter what obstacles or challenges I may face.

Thanks to all my friends, family, and supporters for being there for me the few days before I left! It meant the world to me to see the outpouring of love from people I know will be there for me throughout this entire year. Keep in touch! You can e-mail me at!

Love and blessings,

Gabrielle xoxo

Thursday, February 25, 2010


So much has happened since my last post! I know... It's been awhile.

I am happy to say that I have raised even more support and I am almost there! Time is really flying by. I can't believe I was in Missouri 5 months ago getting trained and commissioned.

Thank you to all of you who have chosen to support me so far. You have provided me with the encouragement to press on and reach the goal that God has placed in front of me.

I got the opportunity to speak at an Italian church in Queens - Pentacostal Christian Church - back in December. This congregation was very special to me because it was one of the churches my Dad attended when he first became a Christian almost 30 years ago. He was excited to see everyone again. Of course they were amazing to say the least. I was contemplating speaking in Italian, but I honestly didn't think I could give what I had to say justice, so my translator - Steve LoVerde - did a wonderful job conveying exactly what I was saying into Italian for everyone to understand. Apparently it was a very full Sunday! God brought out the multitudes! haha!

It was so special to me to be able to speak to a community of believers from my nationality. They prayed for me in Italian and it was just BEAUTIFUL!

I love hearing and speaking Italian and I'm so glad I know a language so close to what Romanian is. Learning the Romanian language has been so much fun, especially because I have some background. I don't know very much yet though.

Tuesday I will be meeting with many of the A/G pastors at a sectional convention. Pray that God calms my nerves. One of the biggest things that works against a fund raising missionary is being timid - and I can be very timid. Please pray that God gives me words to say to these pastors to show them how much I believe God has called me to the babies and mothers in Bucharest, Romania, and that they would be willing to lend their support!



Monday, December 7, 2009

Bethlehem Assembly of God - 12/6/09

Every day God just proves to me how amazing He is, and how clearly it is His will for me to go to Romania. Yesterday, I had the privilege to speak in front of the congregations at my home church - Bethlehem Assembly of God in Valley Stream, NY.

I think they might be the most WONDERFUL church in the world! They love God, and missions, and people, and ME so much, they blessed me beyond words. Not only did they provide a substantial amount financially, some of the words I heard yesterday were words I will remember for the rest of my life. Now my church is large, one of the largest on Long Island, so I definitely do not know everyone there. People were so quick to come up and offer words of encouragement, and love, and assurance, even though they may have never met me before! I so loved that people who told me they couldn't give but came to tell me that they would be praying for me, and following me through this journey. THAT IS FAMILY!

Last night as I was driving I was just praying for every single person who contributed, whether financially or just by offering encouragement. If you're reading this and you were there yesterday, know that I prayed a special blessing on each one of your lives, that God would show you clearly that He is blessing you for the sacrifice that you made, even if it was just taking time to tell me you were praying for me. I really hope to show everyone just what God is doing in Romania because of their support!

I don't have the final numbers yet, but I can say this with confidence - because of the blessings from my church, I will be in Romania by spring 2010, there is no doubt! Thank you Jesus for touching the hearts of your people for missions, and thank you for using me to show Romanians your love!

It's true what He told me - if I give up myself to find Him, I will find myself - and I truly am finding myself through Him!

Blessings to all,


Friday, November 20, 2009


I'm writing a whole entry without choosing a title because for the life of me I can not think of anything besides "God is Good"!

I haven't been a missionary for very long, less than a month actually, so I still don't know that much about living life as one. I can tell you one thing already though, its nothing like living an ordinary life, and I haven't even left yet! It's hard! There's so much that I could worry about all the time. I must admit, its hard not to get anxious and think too much. From the beginning, my prayer was - God if you want me to go you have to make a way. I knew it would take several miracles to actually get me to Romania.

So far, I've witnessed some pretty awesome miracles - getting to Romania the first time, God changing my heart to realize my first calling, confirmations to go, my dad's blessing, my quick approval from the Assemblies of God (the day after my birthday!), more confirmations while I was pre-field orientation in Springfield, MO, and the most recent - financial provision.

Last night I got a message from a good friend telling me that she really believed that God was telling her that He was going to provide abundantly for me to be able to do this mission, and that I shouldn't be worried. I'm not going to lie, its a battle to trust that God is going to provide financially. It sounds absurd, I know! He knows I've been feeling this way, fighting it, but still feeling it, and right on time He sent this word of encouragement. I'm such a cry baby, it brought me to tears.

Today, right on time, I got a called that made my insides scream that God is sooo good! As of today I am at 51% of my needed budget. That number is not a joke! IT IS A MIRACLE! Let me emphasize - I have done NOTHING! I got my approval on September 30, just a month and a half ago. I haven't even sent out support letters yet, I haven't visited many churches, and my prayer cards haven't even gone to the printer yet!


I feel like its a slap in the face saying - Hello!!! Why did you doubt ME!? Why do you worry?? My resources are unlimited and all you're worried about is how you're going make it? Foolish child. I LOVE YOU! STOP WORRYING!

God is good, He is awesome, He is unfathomable. We can never understand who is fully and that's why we doubt. We really are foolish children. He's done too much to prove his faithfulness and still we can't trust Him completely with our lives.

He made me a promise - He's going to complete the work He started in me. Everything He has done so far, especially just this last month, gives me so much hope that this promise is real! More than that, I hope that just by reading this you will know He has real promises and miracles for you too. BE ENCOURAGED!

...and always be blessed,


Friday, November 13, 2009

My Family

So I'm speaking at 110 College and Career tonight, my home church's college ministry. I'm nervous! I shouldn't be because these people are my family and have seen me through my absolute best and worst. I still am.

What if I mess it up and really lose the opportunity I have to touch their hearts with my passion? That's my biggest fear. I feel like I rather practice with a church of people I don't know before I come to the people that I do know. I love 110! Its the ministry that God is currently using me in and I want them to love the new ministry almost as much as I do!

God will give me strength and I pray that He will give me the right words.

Blessings to all,
